Reimagine Nambour

Reimagine Nambour Inc is a collaboration between Nambour’s political, business and community leaders seeking to unite the town around the Nambour Economic Transition Strategy (NETS). One of the first tasks detailed in the NETS was the development of a brand identity for Nambour.

  • Workshops & Engagment
  • Brand Development
  • Strategy & Planning
  • Content Creation
  • Activations & Events
  • Media Liaison


As one of the first steps in supporting the transition of Nambour to a newer and more resilient economy, Reimagine Nambour engaged Fresh PRM to develop a brand to give consistent and clear direction for business and the wider community to connect with something to feel proud of and unify the town.


  • Unifying the varied Nambour businesses and key stakeholders with a consistent and clear message that works to retain business in the region.
  • Developing an identity that is attractive to investors both from inside and outside the region, especially despite unfounded negative public perceptions of Nambour.


  • Establish a group of brand ambassadors to deliver the varied and unique stories of Nambour to instil a sense of pride for the town and demystify perceived stigma.
  • Create a consistent framework in which Nambour’s stories can be showcased online, through signage and more traditional communication.
  • Offer local Nambour businesses ways in which to easily adopt the brand through templates, online platforms and on their own assets such as premises, websites or transport.
  • Build a bank of content that can be shared through existing platforms such as community and industry organisations to ensure the brand identity is adopted and its momentum continues.


Workshops & Engagement

Through the delivery of four focus groups and an online survey to 590 businesses, we began with a deep understanding of Nambour’s business community’s unique needs.

Brand Development

From this in-depth qualitative research a brand identity was developed – I am Nambour. This brand encouraged people to take pride in their town and to demystify some of the stigmas.

Strategy & Planning

A comprehensive Brand Identity Summary was then developed, which encompassed brand objectives, key messages, brand personality, and a well-defined target audience profile derived from our research. This strategy also included a two-phase implementation roadmap.
Likewise to ensure businesses could adopt the brand, a suite of communication materials to tell the brand story was also identified.

Social Media

The Fresh team set up all I am Nambour social media assets, including Facebook and Instagram accounts. This involved creating visually appealing banners, uploading content and offering a unique branded frame that businesses could readily integrate into their online presence.


To visualise the essence of the Nambour community, we coordinated production of a suite of videos featuring Nambour business owners as brand ambassadors. This included a three-minute brand video and three short-form videos for social media.


A user-friendly website was unveiled ahead of the launch event. It included the ambassador videos, captivating “I am Nambour” stories, additional initiatives, explanation of the brand and details to access brand assets.

Activations & Events

The official launch of the brand connected the local community with a captivating video introduction showcasing the brand’s visual and emotional appeal. Fresh secured AV for the event, as well as delivering a launch speech to further assist with the brand’s promotional efforts.

Media Liaison

To generate buzz, we crafted and distributed a media release to local outlets. The launch event served as a prime media opportunity with ABC radio, WIN TV, and Seven News in attendance. Media representatives received copies of the media release, with stickers, cups, and t-shirts also available.


The brand was handed to the business community through Reimagine Nambour and has since been adopted by several groups and individuals.

More ambassadorship videos have been completed to assist in telling the diversity of stories and additional media coverage was gained. The Sunshine Coast Council is also reinvigorating the brand through activations and signage throughout the town.