Dec 08

A good marketing plan is like a road map which identifies an end point and a clear pathway to get there. Depending on your business needs, the ‘road map’ can be as detailed or as basic as you like.

Some people prefer to have a ‘plan on a page’, whilst others like to be able to refer to the rationale behind certain strategies. A good marketing plan is a foundation point for all communications, prioritising your goals and objectives, profiling your target audiences, articulating your key messages, outlining key strategies and tactics, setting timeframes and responsibilities and includes a budget.

As experts in our field, we know how important it is to document your marketing direction. Read on for a ‘Fresh’ perspective.

  1. Focus

A marketing plan provides communication clarity and keeps everyone focussed and on track. It helps to hold everyone accountable to ensure the important work is implemented. It is a tool that can be assessed on a regular basis – measuring the success of different initiatives against marketing goals and objectives. It provides an accountability for your marketing efforts and is based on intentional—not random—choices. It allows the business to prioritise what’s important, and assist with keeping team members on the same page.

  1. Checklist

Not every marketing opportunity will suit your marketing needs. Having a clear marketing plan in place will assist you in choosing which marketing tactics will cut through most effectively to your target audience. The strategy you have devised and the work that you have done prioritising potential clients means that when someone comes to you with a new idea, you can refer back to your marketing plan and ensure it aligns with your business goals. You will be able to make marketing decisions with confidence.

  1. Consistency

People often get bored with their own messaging or get excited about new business directions, meaning that messaging can often come across as confusing to a consumer. A lack of clarity and consistency in marketing messages are often the two most crippling barriers for people when trying to market their product or service. It is vital to have very clear messaging that conveys the uniqueness of your business or offering and then equally important to keep that messaging consistently delivered across all marketing. A well-designed marketing plan will identify all target audiences and the specific messaging required for each target audience. It will also detail the frequency and touchpoints in which your audience will see these ‘road signs’.  It is commonly quoted that a person needs to see an advertising message seven times before taking any action. Consistency of message builds rapport and confidence with your client.

  1. Budget conscious

Once you have your road map you can calculate how much ‘fuel’ or dollars will be required. A marketing plan helps prioritise where your budget should be spent and over what timeframe. Rather than being reactive to marketing opportunities that may come across your desk you can make educated decisions and keep accurate measurements on your marketing return on investment (ROI).

Reach out to our team so we can guide you through the process and help give you a ‘Fresh’ perspective on planning!

About The Author

Maya Gurry


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