Apr 05

The delivery of your brand establishes the credibility of your organisation. With the average Australian exposed to hundreds of communication messages every day, it is important for you to achieve cut-through but more importantly to convey the genuine personality of your brand. Consumers are incredibly discerning these days and are quick to see through fake promises and split personalities.

To connect with your clients in a meaningful and relevant way – no matter what your service or product – it is important to understand and control the message your brand conveys. Be aware that even when a business decides to keep things simple like a no-name brand, this still creates a perception of what your organisation stands for or represents.

So, how do you make potential customers trust you, empathise with you, want to be your friend or want to boast to their friends about you? It’s an important part of the sales process to understand how someone will start to ‘love’ your business.

Fresh PR & Marketing works with a number of businesses that need to ‘refresh’ their brand and this is a process we revel in. We audit the value already existing in the brand, the connection that may or may not exist with clients and then determine what the goals and objectives are for the brand. We encourage conversation with key stakeholders and staff to be a part of the journey of developing this new look and feel, as often they can be your best brand ambassadors and together they can assist in translating your new identity.

1. Dig deeper

Developing your brand identity requires you to dive deep beneath the surface of your business. Have you explored what your business’s key values are? What’s the long-term offering or how do you see your business growing in the next five years? What problems do you solve for people or how would a client best describe you?

Have a think about what your ‘special sauce’ might be. This single-minded proposition or point of difference should be at the forefront of your brand, represented through every piece of communication. If you can identify this uniqueness and then communicate this authentically to your audience, you will unlock an emotional connection with your brand.

It’s important to remember that a brand is so much more than just a logo. A brand is all forms of communication with clients, staff and potential new business.  Make sure you consider the slogans you use, the colour of your logo, uniforms, signage, your digital presence, your customer service processes and your reputation.

2. Leading the way  

Positioning your brand as a leader in the marketplace not only assists in raising awareness for your offer but also builds trust in your capacity to deliver. It is ideal for your brand to be highly visible to your target audience. This may mean delivering your brand into industry-led forums, having a key spokesperson quoted in the media or having your brand linked to other credible and relevant brands. It takes time to build this level of profile but consistency is the key. Be clear about the innovations or knowledge you want to be known for and build relationships based on this.

3. The face of the business

The look and feel of your brand is usually represented – front and centre – by your logo. Based on the deep dive of your business, the logo should accurately represent your key points of difference from your competitors. Understanding how colours, shapes and icons can influence your consumer’s decision-making process is an important part of the process, right through to the fonts used in marketing collateral or the colour of your uniforms. It’s important to look at all the applications of your logo, making sure it can be scaled up onto signage or scaled down for digital advertising. Can it be used in black and white? Is it easily recognisable? Will it stand the test of time or are you being influenced by current trends?

4. Keep it simple and consistent

Whether communicating a new brand or reinvigorating an old brand, it is important to keep a consistent look, voice and message. Sometimes, people get bored with their brand messaging leading them to stray into a brand voice or design style that doesn’t match the rest of their brand identity. While it might seem inconsequential, it’s important to know that it this will be noticeable to customers.  People want to know they can trust your brand to deliver what it’s promising and a repeated, constant look and feel supports this.

The Fresh team can help to develop your brand from scratch, or give it a refresh. Sometimes it pays to have someone from the outside give you a “fresh” perspective.

Reach out to our team today to have a chat!

About The Author

Helen Perry


How Helen connects people and places for exceptional placemaking brands

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